Last Updated on January 30, 2024 by Jessica Reid
This product is about 6 products every college girl needs in her dorm room medicine cabinet.
One thing you’ll learn pretty quickly living in the college dorms is how easy it is to get sick.
You’re sharing a dormitory with a whole bunch of new people who moved in from all over the country, breathing the same air — and if you have a roommate who needs the dorm room to feel like the south pole at all times — then you have to suffer through random sick-inducing temperature conditions.
As such, it is super important that you keep your medicine stocked and ready for the day you fall under the weather.
Luckily, you don’t need a whole bunch of expensive medicines to be covered.
Today, I’m going to share with you six products that were huge life-savers during my four years living in the dorm and are the only products that you’ll ever really need to get instant relief.
RELATED POST: The Ultimate College Dorm Packing List
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1. Emergen-C
I just love the name of this product because it actually does what it says. As soon as you feel like you have a cold coming on or one of your roommates is sick with a cold and you don’t want to catch it, take Emergen-C.
It’s basically an orange tablet that you pop into a cup of water and you drink completely. And trust me it is so easy to take because it tastes so good! It tastes like Orange Fanta soda and fizzes in your mouth just like soda does.
When you take it, you’ll immediately get 1000 mg of Vitamin C (which is equivalent to 10 oranges), a bunch of antioxidants, B- vitamins, and electrolytes that will boost your immune system.
Check out Emergen-c on Amazon here.
2. Advil
You probably already know what this product is good for — pain & fever relief. Advil is a really good medicine to have on hand because when you’re sharing a room or a dormitory with so many different people, it is so easy to catch what my friends and I call, the college flu.
The college flu is a common cold that spreads like wild-fire through the dormitory during the first month, affecting mostly freshmen and new residents.
I caught the college flu on my fifth day on campus and was stuck in bed with fever and chills. Guess what I didn’t have? Advil! I had to take a very long walk to the clinic and it sucked so bad because I had no energy to do anything. As such, don’t make my mistake. Make sure you have Advil on hand.
3. Pepto Bismol
If this is your first time living on campus or you just love food (like me haha) then keep a bottle of Pepto Bismol on hand.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten nauseous because I accidentally overate on food that I really loved.
It was also super common for my friends and I to leave the dorm late at night to get a subway sandwich, cookies, and chips, and then sleep on it. What often happened next was that one of us would get super sick to our stomach. That’s where Pepto-Bismol came in handy.
Within thirty minutes of taking it, we’d get instant relief and be able to go back to sleep.
Be that prepared roommate and have some Pepto Bismol on hand for when you or your roommate gets sick.
RELATED POST: 11+ College Dorm Essentials You Can’t Live Without
4. Vicks.
Remember when I said you may be subjected to random temperature conditions living in the dorms?
Well, when that happens, it is super common to get a stuffy nose. And that’s no fun, especially when you are trying to sleep. Keep some Vicks vapor rub or Vicks nasal spray on hand so you can start breathing easily again.
The last thing you want it is to lose a whole night of sleep and not be able to stay awake in class the next day all because you didn’t have anything to clear you nasal pathways.
5. MiraLAX
If you ever become constipated, get Miralax.
Miralax is so much better than drinking prune juice or Magnesia (the white milky substance that comes in that ugly bright blue bottle) because it doesn’t make your stool dangerously loose and uncomfortable like the other ones do.
This one just softens your stool to create a NORMAL movement.
Anyway, I’ll move on before this post gets too weird..but Mirolax all the way!
6. Cough Drops and Jolly Ranchers
Last but not least, stock up on cough drops and jolly ranchers. I highly suggest that you do this because one thing that you want to avoid is missing class or losing a day to study because you are unable to keep a minor but equally irritating cough under control or your throat is so sore that you’re unable to focus on anything.
Like this cat, having these suckers in your mouth and on your throat, will give you instant relief and dramatically help you to become productive again.
For example, when I caught a sore throat, I was able to study for several hours in the library because I was popping these tasty things in my mouth every hour. As such, I highly encourage you to get this for your dorm room medicine cabinet.
So there you have it. These are the six products every college girl needs for her dorm room medicine cabinet. Want a full list of college dorm essentials? Then be sure to review my ultimate college dorm packing list. It literally has everything I used my four years in the dorms.
11+ College Dorm Essentials You Can’t Live Without
The Ultimate College Dorm Packing List
10 Best School Supplies for College
9 Best College Backpacks for Girls
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