Looking for a go-to-girlfriend for all your college advice and purpose questions?
Hi, my name is Jessica Reid, the creator and blogger behind Lifestyle DiJess, a lifestyle blog for college women seeking college advice, productivity tips, and clarity about their purpose.
Women who read my content can trust that I am giving them the best advice for TWO REASONS:
Except for trying out to be a soror sister, I have literally experienced, accomplished, and overcame many of the things that a college women will experience:
- I lived on campus for 4 years (undergrad)
- I studied abroad for 1 year
- I experienced heart-break in college
- I successfully juggled a long distance relationship with a man that I am happily married to today
- I was a Resident Assistant for 1 year
- I was a straight-A student all through college
- I co-founded a student organization
- I made a major diet change (vegan) on a broke college budget ( I feel like a girl goes through at least one major diet change during college even if it only lasts 30 days lol )
- Struggled with finding my purpose
- Dealt and overcame peer pressure around sex and alcohol (My goal was to wait till’ marriage…people made fun of me and it was hardddd, but I did it!)
- Strived to live out my Christian faith despite the unpopularity around being a Christian on campus
- Applied and successfully got accepted into grad school (law school)
- Lived off campus (apartment life) for 3 years (grad)
(I’m sure I’m forgetting some things but you get the gist, I’ve done a lot.)
I am sharing all that I know with you from a post-grad perspective. That means that you’ll learn what to do from my wins and what not to do from my stupid mistakes.
Trust me, I want you to have the BEST four years of your life (just as I did) and really WIN from having the college experience that you get to have.
- I don’t want you picking a major that you’ll regret…been there!
- Or feel lost about your purpose and having NO answers because you can’t find anyone or any resource that can answer your specific purpose questions…been there!
- Fail to take advantage of some pretty sweet perks and experiences that you get being a college student (and I don’t mean the obvious tuition included stuff)
- Take out a student loan that ends up screwing you over
- Waste your money and time on things that really do nothing for your bottom line – land your dream job!
- Or fail at winning and maintaining healthy relationships (roommates, boyfriends, parents, ect.) – Unfortunately, I’ve experienced and observed many broken hearts and crazy entanglements that I don’t want you to suffer through if you’re looking for a way out.
I’m here to be your go-to-girlfriend for all your answers. My first blog post was made on January 12, 2021, so if you don’t find enough to read on the blog yet, either reach out to me personally via the CONTACT tab or check back to read more content…
Because my goal is to make amazing, relatable, helpful content for college women.
Hope to see you more around here!
Talk soon!